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  • Writer's pictureBernajean Porter

Building Student Tool Kits - Where to Begin

Updated: Aug 26, 2019

I've spent a great deal of the summer reviewing, expanding, evaluating and then finally curating digital tools that will have high impact and purpose in my Maker Writers' Studio launching this fall. Adding the "Maker" title to our learning space intentionally used to expand the idea of communication and literacy to encompass emerging forms of skills needed in an information rich world BEYOND text. However reading/writing text will always be the foundation skill essential to delivering a high return-on-learning whichever mediums are used.

So to help my learners, parents, other teachers at RVIS as well as myself . . . I'm posting digital tools expected to be used by the month using EdShelf!

Later blog posts will document what tools were actually used - the task involved - how the tool worked or didn't and finally . . . what value [if any] the tool use added to our learning goals. Examples and reflections when possible will be posted along the way by myself but more important . . . by students using the tools.

September, 2019

BFO [Blinding Flash of Obvious] - Google Will Be Core to Our Work Flow

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