Welcome to a traditional Bahrainian Breakfast Feast that launched our first faculty day together. Know clue what most of the dishes were except to find out that ONE of the tortilla-like breads was fish based. Yeah - nope . . . way out of my Iowa farm-girl taste buds. But there were a lot of yum dishes though i couldn't tell you what i ate or feel like i could duplicate any of it YET!
Posting my FAV separately . . . a cross between a bread and a cupcake with sesame seeds sprinkled on top! Yummmmm so I wrapped up a few as my "take away" for an afternoon cup of tea and crumpet - well Bahrainian-style crumpet!
Stay Tuned
An Arabian Dinner - Kabob Style
Setting UP my classroom
First Faculty Meeting and Adventures [Posted in Teaching in Beta MODE]
Get someone to take a picture of you, too!
Such subtle buffet serving dishes!