We want our kids to know that at their very core is something good and uniquely special about them - to know they matter and have value. ~ Bernajean Porter, author of I-imagine: Taking My Place in the World Project.
What if we had a "talent-oriented" curriculum instead of a test-oriented curriculum? ~ Yong Zhao, author of Catching Up or Leading the Way.
When kids can name and nourish their “spark” – every outcome parents and educators care about changes dramatically. ~ Peter Benson, Author of Sparks and President of Search Institute.
Do You Know Your "ikigai"?
All students in our Maker-Writers' Studio will begin this school year with a special storytelling unit called I-imagine: Taking My Place in the World - the journey of finding, declaring and activating their "ikigai."
I-imagine Project was created to guide teachers [and families] in a journey to engage our youth in discovering their strengths and gifts as they active life goals for sharing their "light" in the world for good - living in the truth that their lives and talents matter to the world. The tasks are designed to awaken the dreamer and believer in the urgency of finding and nurturing their light - spark - purpose in the world beyond getting grades. Their culminating project asks them to create a personal narrative video showing them living their BEST future AS IF it is 20 years from now. A finale multimedia vision video culminates in a public showtime sharing a well-crafted, role-playing docudrama narrative storytelling AS IF their future life is NOW.
Research-based Results
I-imagine Project is grounded in extensive research showing significant gains that come from inspiring hope, you and self-action in learners. Those who have identified their “spark” [aka strengths, talents and affinities] have higher grades in school; have higher attendance in school; are more likely to be socially competent – less violent; are more likely to be physically healthy; are more likely to volunteer to help other people; are more likely to be good stewards of the earth and its resources; and are more likely to have a sense of hope and purpose. See link below.
The I-imagine process sets the stage for strong relationships with teachers and parents; increasing learners' AGENCY of learning goals and firing-up their ownership for becoming strong co-partners in achieving their BEST life ahead. The act of creating a media-based vision process AS IF it is real and possible changes the neuroplasticity of the brain while intensifying the "stickiness" of believing and sustaining whatever it takes. The brain doesn't know the difference. Writing and producing their own personal narrative vision video becomes the basis of creating a BEST life!
Become Part of the Tribe Waking UP a Generation for their Own Greatness
Consider joining us on a similar journey with your own classroom, sharing and celebrating the results and stories made possible along with a mighty pile of writing and thinking skills being practiced and mastered.
• Enjoy a quick I-imagine overview article in Edutopia by Suzie Boss @ edutopia.org/blog/start-school-year-awakening-your-dreamers-suzie-boss
• I-imagine curriculum resources are available at Bernajean's online store @ bernajeanporter.us/online-store
• I-imagine has a Facebook Page for teachers launching this journey as a place to share, inspire each other, ask questions and best of all, celebrate their own experiences. @ facebook.com/groups/1217086748307419/
• Check out Search Institute - Bridging Research and Practice: Helping our youth be and become their best selves @ search-institute.org
Blog postings from the students along with samples of their I-imagine journey will be shared as we begin the first week of school.