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Got Story or NOT?

Ready to Learn the

Art of Digital Storytelling?

Let Me Count the Ways!

Ways to Experience Bernajean Storytellin
Experience StoryTelling with Bernajean2.
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Storytelling Quote - Stories for leaders
When digital storytelling is finished v3

Digital StoryTelling is the art of bringing our stories alive with sound, images, music and voice. But harvesting and shaping a good story comes FIRST!

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We are the stories we tell ourselves. Discover with Bernajean the inner "mojo" of storytelling and why it matters in our lives. ALL applications of storytelling start purpose then harvesting story ideas, then shaping the story ideas chosen into artful storytelling ARCS whether as individuals, large or small groups.
               Excited to shape with you                ANY story ideas you are
               interested in bringing    
               alive for face-to-face deliveries or as artful media-making productions.

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Become a Modern StoryKeeper - influencing the world around you for its better good.

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Creating memories, healing experiences, nurturing compassion, inspiring change, driving decisions or activating calls-to-action!

StoryTelling Klout Applied Storytelling.

Peek into Bernajean's Digital StoryTelling Online JooMag! Explore the many ways storytelling can be used. Experience

examples GALORE! Click on image

below or on SOURCE button to side.


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close window and then proceed to browse through the digital magazine as you like.

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