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The Inner Mojo
of Storytelling

And WHY it Matters

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     Coke excels in the market       place because they’ve been clobbering the opposition in the story wars for more than a century. ~ Jonathan Gottschall, “The Science of Story-
telling”, - Fast Company.

                         Long, long ago and still today . . .
                         storytelling has the influence power to capture imaginations;                            drive decisions; activate the whole brain; create memory                       structures; connect us with humanity; along with making ideas, concepts and visions real in a way that cold, hard facts only can't. Applied storytelling achieves practical outcomes for leadership; businesses; client relationships and serves presenters in sustaining attention while activating "sticki" learning and thinking, when the power of storytelling is artfully and purposefully used.

Explore the science and data that is now backing up
the long held belief that the art of storytelling is the
most enduring, powerful means for learning, communicating,
decision-making, and igniting action in our fast-learning,
fast-changing world. Take the challenge of mastering
storytelling’s “inner mojo” secrets, revving up you and your
company’s influence on the world. 

• Stories are the single most powerful weapon in a leader’s arsenal. —Howard Garner, Harvard

• Storytelling isn’t just fun escapism ~ they have an almost spooky ability to hold our attention and mold our thinking and behavior. ~ 

Jonathan Gottschall, author of The Storytelling Animal



Experience an interactive presentation on the science and usefulness of the storytelling structure in achieving influence and impact aka "NeuroMarketing" - emotional valance" feedback. Beneficial and Useful for Everyone.


• Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins ~A. Simmons

Inner MOJO Presentation - Why IT Matters


Host a hands-on, make-your-own digital storytelling event either onsite or online. Making a sensory experience of a story practices skills with digital tools - the art form of storytelling and managing the seven steps along with multitude of skills for ANY media-making. project.

Preparing our youth to activate this narrative intelligence for good in the world is considered an urgent mission. ​


Hosting a Digital Storytelling Workshop




• Finding and Choosing a story idea

• Building a "Story Spine"

• Developing a narrative with "Take Six   

  Elements" embedded

• Seven Steps for Exemplar Media-Making

• Developing a useable storyboard as

  production guide

• Exemplar Craftsmanship Guidelines 

• Real-time guided learning for all media

  tools needed for Media-Making

• Showtime: Sharing and Peer Feedback

Exit Skills for Digital StoryTelling

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View Bernajean's Promo for an Online Educator Storytelling Course
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About Bernajean

Bernajean Porter  brings over 35 years of joyful experiences working globally while teaching the wonders and possibilities of storytelling skills. AKA futurist, empowerment coach; author of numerous books, including "DigiTales: The Art of Storytelling"; vision-into-practice guide; hosting remote and in-person courses and presentations; International featured speaker and consultant; visual storytelling; virtual worlds and photo stories while exploring emerging transliterates galore . . . renown as an enthusiastic promoter of ANYTHING increasing joy, spirit and outrageous possibilities in all aspects of life for kids and adults . . . and now . . . 



The Inner Mojo of StoryTelling Promoter

Applied Storytelling Guide 

Futuring: Living Into NEW Stories Facilitator 

One-On-One StoryTelling Coach for Presenters



Likes: Watching stars, designing group events, mountain living, learning anytime anywhere, moon glows, adventure travel, can-do attitudes, mangoes, magic, building community spirit, lilacs, ATVing mountain trails, a good storytelling - unleashing potential for learners and living life juicy!


Dislikes: Rules of all kinds. Loose ends. Stale strawberry licorice. People insisting

on having their negative and limiting beliefs about life and possibilities. Letting worst fears rule the day. Accepting narrow choices. And milking cows.


Life PhilosophyDa Um Jeitinho – there is always a way - let us make it happen together! 


Our Team
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