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Party-of-One Sessions

Mastering Artful Phone Photography

Making Still Images Come Alive

Telling Your Story- Photo Books, Digital Magazines and Digital Scrapbooking

Making EASY-PEASY Hollywood Style Videos for Celebrations - Tributes

Transforming and Editing Images

Mastering Video-Editing - The Art of Movie Making

Using the Magic of Green Screen for Unexpected Photos and Videos 

Exploring and Creating with Media-Making TOOLS Galore

Designing and Delivering "WOW 'Em" Presentations -Story, Voice and Design

Build l Your l Own l Party 

KaPow! Making Comic Books or Cartoon-ized Videos

Art and Soul of StoryTelling-Personal, Family, Business, and Leadership 

Using Copyright Savvy Free Resources for Music, Images and Video Clips

Fact-checking - Cyber Safety - Digital Citizensip - Parenting Digital Kids -

Making EASY-PEASY Websites

Hands-on Minds-On Imagination ALIVE   for New Media Literacies and Projects

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