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   Your Words Matter - 60-90 min    


OR Design Your Own Customized

Sessions from the following Choice Board 


Each of the following choices focuses on long-used language patterns

and science-backed strategies that yield results NOW!

Select as many or as few as appeals.


Concepts will be Introduced - Modeled with Group Practice Time . . .

Closing with Reflections

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2. Raising or Diminishing Energy in Self-or Others 


Experience Rapid Recovery - Reducing Anxiety, Stress, and Moving Forward techniques. Tap into the power of your Words. Practice Short language patterns to support letting go and 'reframing" situations. But there’s good news, too. Research studies, and likely your own experience, show that resilience in the face of adversity can help ensure that you bounce back, reduce the effects of stress, and even release the energy needed to be a “solutionary.”



• Kinesiology Challenge

4. Cleaning Emotional Residue

Emotions are known to unsuspectingly clog many of us up from making choices and taking actions that serve us best. Being anxious, overwhelmed, stressed and exhausted hijacks our energy and resourcefullness.


Letting go of “all that is not yours and all that is no longer needed” uses language patterns that influences the brain in a simple process.


Kinesthetic processes will guide participants with take-away resources for an ongoing do-it-yourself ritual   

3.  Self-Talk - Whatever Story You tell Yourself Becomes Reality!  

It isn’t the situation that causes hurt and pain but the story you tell yourself about it. 95% of suffering comes from the story we tell abut the situation. As you keep repeating it, the story grows more real in your head. When you repeat it enough, it starts defining you. The story told in any business or community culture will also become reality if repeated and repeated. What perspective do you choose? What story do you choose to REALLY live in? 


• BioDots Challenge


5. Toxic Positivity - The Shadow Side of Positive Vibes  


To deny that life has its share of disappointments, frustrations, losses, hurts, setbacks, and sadness would be unrealistic and untenable. No amount of positive thinking exercises will change this truth. Suggesting to yourself or others to stay positive in difficult situations is toxic. What do you say instead? Honoring difficulties FIRST! How do I help myself and others stay resourceful? How can "tragic optimism" serve me and others even better?


6. Unblock Possibility Thinking - Activating Decision-Makers

and Solutionaries Many people find themselves unintentionally “stuck” when called upon to develop and communicate ideas. “I don’t know” is a buzz killer in meetings, collaborative teams and large or small think tank groups.. It’s as true for speaking as it is for writing. Simple language patterns can now activate an individual’s willingness to express and share ideas that have likely been protected by a critical-self, unsure of whether their ideas are “good enough.” The world needs the best of us!

7. Removing Limiting Beliefs 

Our beliefs create our reality. Limiting beliefs are subconscious thoughts that can be created by “adopting” beliefs from others or can be beliefs that were once serving you but no longer needed. Beliefs are NOT facts. While growing up and living our lives, we make meanings from the world around us; those interpretations and perceptions are recorded by the subconscious mind and then become beliefs or rules we live by. The problem arises when they are kept beyond their usefulness. Finding and eliminating limiting beliefs from your subconscious mind and replacing them with ALIGNED empowering ones is the most impactful and powerful thing for living a BEST life. 

8. Dealing with Critical Voices

Learn to protect yourself from the harm of critical comments whether from well-meaning friends or adversaries. - but first sifting for anything useful. However our most destructive FOE is our own negative, inner dialogue judging and hampering the energy and peacefulness. needed to move forward. 85% of self-talk is negative! Where do they come from? How can you dilute the harsh and sometimes mean self-haraguing? 


FIVE [5] Ways to Turn critical voices into a more productive inner dialogue - a force for good!

1. Awakening the Believer!

Whatever You focus on EXPANDS! The message is real and comes fortified with some serious science. It's called experience-dependent neuroplasticity. ...  just think about that for a minute: You have incredible capacity to change your brain through any experience.

Recommended as a FIRST Experience forming the basis for all other language patterns effectiveness.

• Threaded Needles Challenge 
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